New Exhibit- Quilt Artist, Jeanne Hechmer

Last Updated 1/10/2022

The Fiber Arts Center is excited to introduce quilt artist, Jeanne Hechmer, whose amazing quilts adorn the walls of the gallery. Jeanne's theme is to "think out of the box" and she encourages quilters to tell a story through design. We will also have our UFO group this week, so join us for this must-see exhibit! This week Mon-Wed 10:00-4:00 and Thursday-Saturday 12:00-4:00.
New quilt exhibit featuring the beautiful work of textil... The Fiber Arts Center is pleased to announce our new quilt exhibit featuring the beautiful work of textile artist, Laura Boehl. You are ...
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A lot can get done at our UFO's (Unfinished Objects) Mary Jolley-Camper began this quilt journey back in 2017 when this class was taught at the Fiber Arts Center. She finished the top at th...